Thank You for the Music
A moment to be grateful, seven new songs, and nine photos from a transatlantic crossing 25 years ago
Living in the US, you are probably celebrating Thanksgiving today, which is a good opportunity to reflect on what you are grateful for.
Elke and I are, at this time, somewhere on the North Atlantic, celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. There are many reasons to be thankful for that alone, but we also want to take the opportunity to thank everybody who is creating the wonderful music that we can present on our site and in this newsletter.
You have to spend a lot of effort and emotional labor to create music to be enjoyed by others. Below is a list of artists we know personally and know firsthand how much heart they pour into their art. That may not be enough to significantly support their livelihood and even less to make label bosses rich, but it is very much appreciated as a priceless contribution to what makes us human.
Anastave (Berlin)
Beverly Girl (Finnland)
Black Gold Buffalo (U.K.)
Blak Emoji (USA)
Blake Morgan (USA)
Blonde Maze (USA)
Bunny X (USA)
Cab Ellis (USA)
Cillë (USA)
Close Talker (Canada)
Danielle Cardona (USA)
Dead Leaf Echo (USA)
Detalji (Finnland)
Electric Djinn (USA)
Giungla (Italy)
I Am Snow Angel (USA)
Mackenzie Shivers (USA)
Marilyn Hucek (USA)
Mïrändä (USA)
Mothica (USA)
Nick Vivid (USA)
O. Wake (USA)
Paulina Vo (USA)
Pretty City (Australia)
Rivita (USA)
Robyn Cage (USA)
Sid Simons (USA)
She’s Excited! (USA)
Sophie Colette (USA)
Strange Flesh (USA)
talker (USA)
Von Sell (USA)
War Violet (USA)
Give them a listen here:
Song Pick of the Day
Listen to/watch all seven songs on YouTube. Follow our daily updated playlists on YouTube and Spotify for the 50 latest Song Picks of the Day. Thank you for following us and sharing the excitement.
“All Things Change” and “all things pass” are mantras that helped London artist Eden Rain through a pandemic winter. For that, she toned down a bit from her usually beat-heavy pop music, and became more vulnerable without losing the bit of the lyrics.
Emma Kingston and Mark Stidson write music together in Britain under the name Mighty One. “Wake The Dead” is their debut single about “around the notions of regret, and all of the emotions that come with it.”
“The Woman” by the UK singer/songwriter Ellur is a goosebumps-inducing anthem “as a celebration of togetherness, womanhood and support that can get us through difficult times.” While it reflects a difficult time for the artist, it has an empowering effect that is visualized beautifully in the video by Ella and Andy Little.
Adwaith is a indie rock trio from Wales who sings in their native language. “Addo” means “Promise,” and the song is about “caring deeply for someone self destructive who doesn’t care about themselves.”
“Let’s Stay Together” is not at all an Al Green cover, but Manchester musician Isa Y goes for a similar vibe here. Lean back, and enjoy the power of love in all its ups and downs.
The Nashville singer/songwriter Danielle Durack has her new post-breakup-themed album Escape Artist ready for release next February. The first single, “Shirt Song,” finds her in a garment owned by her ex, whom she doesn’t even think about that often.
Brighton artist Frances Mistry is annoyed by billionaires who take and consume more than their share. It is refreshing to hear such a sentiment wrapped in an airy pop song like “pick at my skin” instead of punk.
Nine Photos from Our Honeymoon
In November 1998, Oliver and I embarked on a transatlantic crossing on board the now-retired QE2. Browsing through our photos from back then brought back wonderful memories, and it was surprisingly difficult to pick only nine. Enjoy!